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The Oak Still Stands

The Oak Still Stands

Arnold Schwartzenegger – arguably the biggest icon in bodybuilding – recently released a three-part documentary about his life on Netflix called, Arnold. In an authentic view not seen since Pumping Iron – we get a rare glimpse into the Austrian Oak – and find out what really makes him tick. Is Arnold STILL Arnold? Let’s get into this…

I’m a sucker for documentaries…

I always seem to learn something new – even if I’m thoroughly educated about the subject.

I thought I had a pretty good library of knowledge when it comes to bodybuilding, acting and political icon – Arnold Schwartzenegger…

But I still learned a thing or two when watching his new documentary, Arnold.

Have you seen it yet?

I thought it was incredible…


This article will have a few spoilers…

So, if you haven’t watched it yet and don’t want to have anything revealed – you may want to stop reading.


We’re going to jump into this.

Releasing the documentary in three parts was a brilliant idea…

Just recording his life would have been too much for people to grasp. Breaking it down into Athlete, Actor and American – where talk about his time in bodybuilding, the movies and politics respectively – made it a lot easier to digest.

While I was interested in the whole thing…

I really wanted to delve into his bodybuilding career – and lucky for me – that’s the first episode.

A lot of the information I already knew…

But a lot was all new to me.

The Athlete

What I loved about this documentary was the insight into what made Arnold…


As we all know – he is one of the most driven individuals of the past 200 years – as he’s never seemed to let anything stop him…

And getting a glimpse into his early life – his childhood – it sort of all makes sense.

Arnold’s dad favored his older brother, Meinhard – and never gave the young Arnold much encouragement.

He would have them compete – and if it were subjective – he always gave the win to the older Schwartzenneger brother…

And that kind of treatment breeds a certain mentality.

It’s obvious that he had a lot to prove – not so much to himself – but to his father…

And his bucking of his father’s norms – getting into bodybuilding – shunning the general “path” that most Austrians would take…

Was all part of a HUGE middle finger to his dad.

It was his way of saying, “I don’t need you… I’ll make it my way on my own.”

And he did…

Even though he was blessed with some pretty incredible genetics – it was that or anabolics that made him the undisputed king… it was his mindset.

He had goals – worked to reach them – and didn’t let anything stop him…

And it was something he would bring with him into his next two careers.

The Actor

We all know Arnold as the main attraction, name on the marquee, Hollywood leading man that has brought in BILLIONS of dollars…

But he almost didn’t make it.

He was young, handsome and cocky…

And it was that attitude that he’s become famous for – that almost cost him his shot in Hollywood.

He offended Dino De Laurentis – one of the premier movie producers of his day…

And it almost cost him his shot at the role that made him: Conan the Barbarian.

Luckily, he was able to win him over in the end – but it almost cost him everything he would become.

It was also interesting to learn that Arnold took acting lessons so he could get the part in Stay Hungry – and won a Golden Globe award for best newcomer.

Arnold attacked the movie industry with the same cockiness and drive that he attacked bodybuilding…

And it paid off for him – and the directors that took a chance on him.

That being said…

If Arnold NEVER acted – odds are he’d still be in a very good place financially.

One of his original mentors – and the godfather of bodybuilding, Joe Weider, taught him about real estate – and so Arnold was a millionaire even before he took his first audition.

Can you believe that?

That lets you know that Arnold was going to be successful – no matter WHAT business he set his sights on…

And for some reason – he wanted to conquer Hollywood.

Something tells me the LA real estate scene is much happier he did…

The American

The last episode was just as fascinating as the other two…

But this one focused on his time in politics – as the Republican governor of California.

The documentary made it seem like Arnold was a reluctant participant in his first bid at governor of his state.

It wasn’t a general election – he won it in a recall vote…

Something he would parlay into a 8 year stint in Sacramento.

As alway, Arnold was a brilliant strategist…

One of the first things he implemented was a smoking tent – a place where people from both sides of the aisle would meet for informal talks – but also where a lot of the business of the state would happen.

He made it his goal to do the best job for Californians he could…

And for Arnold that meant doing things unconventionally.

Unlike most politicians…

The Oak’s staff was made up of both Democrats and Republicans – something that would earn him the derision of both sides – but wound up being GREAT for the people of California.

It was as governor – that Arnold did his most meaningful work.

He had a vision of what California SHOULD be – not just for his tenure…

But for decades to come.

A lot of the deals he made helped California become one of the world leaders in environmentalism…

And his legacy will be felt for generations.

Of course, he made his share of enemies too…

Arnold wouldn’t be Arnold if he wasn’t brash.

However, overall, he seemed to do a pretty good job for his state…

Which, after getting to know the REAL Arnold a little bit better – I would expect nothing less.

But the entire series was great…

And I highly recommend watching it.

At the end of it – we’re left with a burning question:

Is Arnold Still ARNOLD?

Is he still the Arnold we know?

He’s got a lot more grays, a few more wrinkles and a donkey (don’t ask… just watch)…

But is he still the Oak?

The short answer?


When he talks – when he’s reminiscing about his past – you can still see that gleam in his eye.

That gleam that seems to say, “Go EFF yourself – you’re not going stop me OR tell me what to do,” – and that’s awesome…

Because it’s good to know that age doesn’t always kill that inner fire.

Arnold has a bunch of projects in the works…

And has even taken a role with Netflix to oversee their action department.

So, yes…

Arnold is STILL Arnold.

He’s just a little older, a little slower, a little smaller – and a LOT wiser.

“For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger

Editor’s Note: Arnold was one of the best – and may go down in history as THE best ever. THAT is a legacy. One of the shocking revelations recently is how much plant protein he’s eating as of late. 80% of the time – he’s eating vegetarian – which is a huge 180 from his bodybuilding heyday… but it seems to be working for him. Nutrex does have one of the BEST tasting plant-based proteins out there. Not only is it delicious – but mixes well into almost everything. If you want to shake things up a bit – or are a vegetarian yourself – grab a tub of Plant Protein now. You won’t believe how good it is!

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