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blog Lose Fat Like a BOSS: The Science Behind Getting SHREDDED

Lose Fat Like a BOSS: The Science Behind Getting SHREDDED

Is the science behind getting shredded accurate? With summer and the opportunity to show off your winter gains right around the corner - everybody and their mother seems to be in the middle of a cut. However, if you ignore the research behind fat loss - you may not reach your goals.

Cuts like a diamond…

Slices like a razor blade…

For many - getting shredded or ripped - is an often unattainable goal. 


Because much like pimpin’...

Losing fat ain't easy. 

You can't just chug a protein shake and expect to wake up with a six-pack - unfortunately - getting in shape takes hard work, dedication…

And a little bit of science.

That's right….


So, let’s look at the best ways to lose fat according to ACTUAL research…

The literal science behind getting shredded.  

So buckle up, buttercup, because we're about to drop some hard truth bombs.

Lift Like A Boss

First things first…

If you're not lifting weights - you're missing out on some serious fat-burning potential. 

Research shows that lifting heavy weights can increase your metabolism and burn fat more efficiently than cardio alone - due to the fact that increase muscle mass burns more calories. 


Don't just wander into the gym and start benching like a madman. 

You need a solid lifting program that focuses on compound movements (like the “Holy Trinity” of squats, deadlifts, and bench press)...

As well as incorporating progressive overload (i.e., gradually increasing the weight you lift over time).

And if you're a noob - don't be afraid to ask for help… 

Lift with a bud, hire a trainer, hit up some YouTube tutorials, or join a lifting group on social media - there are PLENTY of resources out there.  

The gains are worth it… I promise.


Contrary to popular belief - starving yourself is NOT the key to losing fat… 

In fact, it can actually backfire and slow down your metabolism.

Starving yourself is just making more work by making it harder to burn fat in the long run.

Instead, focus on eating smart… 

That means getting in plenty of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs - all in the right balance. 

Aim for at LEAST 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight…

And don't be afraid of healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil.

And look, you’re human…

You don’t have to torture yourself. You can still enjoy the occasional treat… 

Just make sure it fits into your overall calorie and macro goals. 

So, treat yo'self to that slice of pizza… 

Just don't make it a daily thing. 

Sleep Like A BABY

The secret weapon for fat loss that many people overlook?

It’s definitely sleep.

Yes, getting enough QUALITY shut-eye can actually help you burn fat more efficiently -  thanks to the hormones leptin and ghrelin.

Leptin is a hormone that helps regulate hunger and metabolism… 

While ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates appetite. 

When you don't get enough sleep - your leptin levels decrease and your ghrelin levels increase… 

Making you feel hungrier and more prone to overeating.

The goal is  to try to get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night…

Which means avoiding scrolling TikTok of Insta before bedtime… sorry, y’all 

It’ll be a good idea to create a relaxing sleep environment - soft lighting, zen-like music, cooler temperature -  as well as trying to stick to a consistent sleep schedule.

Do this…

And drop that fat like a bad habit

HIIT It Like You Mean It

Now, we can't really talk about fat loss without mentioning HIIT (high-intensity interval training)... 

This type of cardio-intensive training involves short bursts of all-out effort followed by periods of rest or low-intensity recovery.

Why is it so effective for fat loss? 

Because it helps you burn more calories in less time, increases your metabolism, and can even improve insulin sensitivity (which helps regulate blood sugar and fat storage).

And the best part? 

You don't have to spend hours on a boring treadmill to get the benefits… 

Just a few minutes of intense HIIT can do the trick. 

Try adding some sprints, burpees, or jump rope intervals to your workouts…

It can’t hurt, right?

Stress Less… Lose MORE

Last but not least, let's talk about stress. 

We all know that stress can wreak havoc on our mental health…. 

But did you know that it can also sabotage our fat loss goals?

When you're stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol - which can actually increase fat storage and make it harder to lose weight. 

So if you're feeling stressed out… 

That’s life AND your body telling you it’s time to take a breather.

That might mean practicing meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises… 

Or it could mean finding other ways to relax - as there are some herbal remedies that can DEFINITELY help in that department - but, whatever works for you.

Regardless of what you’re doing - make sure you're taking care of your mental health as well as your physical health.

The Science Behind Getting Shredded

Now, what we just discussed may not sound like “science”...

But all of it is backed by research. 

The problem is…

So many people think that it’s just ONE thing they need to do. 

They think if they start eating right - everything will fall into place…

That if they start doing HIIT - the fat will just melt away. 


These are all pieces to the puzzle - but adding just ONE is not going to do the trick. 

Even more… 

And this one is going to sting a little: there’s now quick fix. 

It takes time, focus and work.

There are ways to speed UP the process… 

But it’s not going to happen overnight. 

The thing to keep in mind is that it IS possible - you can drop the fat you want to - and you can do so in a relatively short amount of time if you stay focused and disciplined. 

You can do it…

Just do as Sly Stallone signs all his autographs: “Keep punching.”

“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” - Jack Dixon

Editor’s Note: Yes, as Shawn said, there ARE ways to speed up the process. Nutrex has one of the most complete lines of fat burners to do EXACTLY that. LIPO-6 is one of the most TRUSTED names in weight and fat loss - and odds are we have the formula you need to start dropping fat fast. Follow this link and start shredding with LIPO-6! 

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